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Scientific nomenclature to identify living species

Updated: Dec 22, 2017

Scientists use scientific naming system

There are millions of organisms living on earth. Each one has different names in various cultures. To overcome this problem scientists use scientific naming system.

It was introduced by Carl von Linnae (Carolus linnaeus). It is called Binomial system of nomenclature. According to the system all living species have two names. The first name is the generic name while the second is the specific epithet.

The first name begin with a capital letter and the second name with a simple letter. When printing these names the letters should be in italic form. When you write these names, both names should be underlined.

Eg: Mesua nagassarium or Mesua nagassarium

Mesua ferrea - Iron wood tree

Momordica charantia - Bitter gourd

Canis familliaris - Domestic dog

Artocopus integra - Jak tree

Nymphaea stelata - Blue water lily

Felis domestica - Domestic cat

Citrus auruntium - Orange tree

Homo sapiens - Human being

Pavo cristatus - Phoenix

Cocos nucifera - Coconut tree

Panthera leo - Lion

Hibiscus rosasinensis - Shoe flower

Eliphas maximus - Elephant

Gallus lefayetti - Jungle fowl

Pisum sativum - Garden Pea

Nymphaea lotus - Oolu

Urocissa ornata - Kehibella

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